Brochure – Technical English – Pre-intermediate

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Pre IntermediateWho should attend?

Khóa học được thiết kế cho các kỹ thuật viên, công nhân đang công tác tại các đơn vị trong ngành dầu khí, có trình độ Anh văn từ Pre-intermediate trở lên.

About your Trainer:

Giảng viên có trình độ Thạc sỹ về ngôn ngữ Anh và phương pháp giảng dạy Tiếng Anh, có kinh nghiệm giảng dạy từ 5 năm trở lên

Course content:

  • What’s the job? – describing jobs, job and work vocabulary, verb-noun collocations, greeting and farewells, requests and offers,
  • Is that correct? – spelling things out, email addresses and urls, metric/ imperial conversions and abbreviations, decimal numbers, reporting defects, exchanging information on the phone
  • What are the numbers? – project planning, countable and uncountable nouns, making comparisons, estimating quantities, specifications for vehicles
  • How does it work? – gadgets, machine parts vocabulary, control verbs, saying how things work, cause and effect, checking and controlling
  • What happened? – explaining what happened, rises and falls, performance indicators, measuring quality, describing graph
  • Can you fix it? – troubleshooting questions, words of repairing things, malfunction adjectives
  • I need some information – giving questions how & what, company notices and advertisements, metrics of construction project, saying numbers (large numbers, fractions, years, money), time prepositions
  • What should we do? – explaining rules, expressing obligatory and necessity, making things work (technical machines), identifying faults, malfunction adjectives, vocabulary revision: parts and components
  • Take care – safety hazards,  hazardand  safety precautions in workshops, giving instructions and procedures, forming adverbs, avoiding problems
  • What’s it like? – describing shapes in the workshop, classifying ( devices and equipment), defining by class, colour, size, equipment vocabulary
  • How do you do it? – testing, flammability test procedure, passive form, understanding instructions, two-part instructions, descriptions of inventions
  • Watch out! – warning signs and label, warning expressions, useful expressions for making suggestions, security threats
  • Out and about – giving directions, getting around, asking people to repeat, checking understanding, useful expressions for direction, words and phrases for travelling, abrreviations
  • Tell me about it – dimensions, depth, height, describing quantities, countable and uncountable nouns
  • What’s the schedule? – making arrangements, writing emails: openings, closings, and common expressions, schedules and time estimates

Registration fees: … VND or USD

The above includes VAT, but excludes living, accommodation and travel for participant.

Easy to register:

Fax    : 84-254-3838452

Cell   : 84-943470055 (Mr.Tri)

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