NACE 5- CO2 Corrosion Modeling

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Brochure Nace 5 Co2 Corrosion Modeling

Who should attend?

This course is organized for the following attendees:

  • Contractors, Designers, Consultants involved in CO2 Corrosion Prediction
  • Engineers and technologists in charge of pipeline integrity
  • Technicians and maintenance personnel who deal with internal corrosion in oil and gas pipelines and production tubing.
  • Facility owners and users who are concerned with internal corrosion in pipelines and production tubing.

About your Trainer:

Dr. Jianhai Qiu BEng PhD CEng FICorr

  •  NACE certified Corrosion Specialist (#5047, USA), April 2007
  •  Chartered Engineer (#453698, the Engineering Council UK), November 1993

  • 30 years of experience in the corrosion industry, corrosion research, university teaching and corrosion consulting.
  • Provided training courses on corrosion for: PetroVietnam (PVN), Binh Son refinery (BSR), Nghi Sơn refinery (NSRP), PetroVietnam Gas (PVGas), Ministry of Defence (MINDEF, Singapore), and many other companies from Asean countries.

Course content:

  1. Fundamentals of Corrosion
  2. Key Factors Influencing CO2 Corrosion
  3. Overview of CO2 Corrosion Models – What CO2 Corrosion Models Are Available and How Are They Different?
  4. CO2 Corrosion Model Selection – Which CO2 Corrosion Model / Type Is Suitable for My Pipeline/Tubing?
  5. CO2 Corrosion Model Comparison – Which CO2 Corrosion Model /Type Is More “Accurate” ?
  6. Should the Amount of Liquid Water Affect the Corrosion Growth Rate Prediction?
  7. Should I Use the Lab-Measured pH in the CO2 Corrosion Models ?
  8. Should I Use the Water Analysis Results in the CO2 Corrosion Models ?
  9. How to Model the Effect of H2S, HAc, HCO3- ?
  10. Should I Use One CO2 Corrosion Model or Multiple Models ?
  11. How to Validate the CO2 Model Results ?
  12. CO2 Corrosion Modeling Exercises: Case Studies, Case Studies and More Case Studies
  13. Common Pitfalls in CO2 Corrosion Modeling
  14. End of Course Examination: A Real-Life CO2 Corrosion Modeling Project

Registration fees: … VND or USD

The above includes VAT, but excludes living, accommodation and travel for participant.

Easy to register:

Fax    : 84-254-3838452

Cell   : 84-943470055 (Mr.Tri)

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