Brochure – Basic technical English – Elementary

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Who should attend?

Khóa học được thiết kế cho các kỹ thuật viên, công nhân đang công tác tại các đơn vị trong ngành dầu khí, có trình độ Anh văn từ Elementary trở lên.

About your Trainer:

Giảng viên có trình độ Thạc sỹ về ngôn ngữ Anh và phương pháp giảng dạy Tiếng Anh, có kinh nghiệm giảng dạy từ 5 năm trở lên

Course content:

  • Can you speak English? – first meetings at work, reference, serial, telephone numbers, identifying things, international words, everyday objects
  • How do you spell that? – numbers: one to a hundred, spelling, checking an order of technical items, parts.
  • What do you want? – buying food at work, saying what you want, specifying of various items, measurement abbreviations, parts and equipment
  • Is that correct? – how to say email addresses, how to take and write telephone messages, checking equipment against the list, following instructions
  • Where is it? – describing controls – control panel, control station, describing facilities at a company, hotel, describing tests
  • Tell me about it – describing car features, quantities, different materials, shapes, car parts
  • What can it do? – vocabulary of body parts, explaining what robots do, expressing ability, dimensions – questions and answers
  • What do you need? – asking for things, things – singular or plural? decimal numbers and currency, asking for and getting information, tools and equipment
  • Watch out – warning signs and instructions at the workshops and offices, colours stipulated with the wires connected to correct terminals, identifying people
  • Here or there? – locating items in an office, telling the time, using determiners in describing pictures, instructions
  • What’s the problem? – expressing problems, suggesting solutions, driving and traffic problems – what’s impossible or necessary?
  • What’s going on? – expressing work tasks, items for mending things, expressing activities in progress, countable & uncountable nouns with some and any
  • What’s it for? – explaining the use of technical items, explaining functions of remote controls electronic devices, identifying things in the pictures
  • What happened? – reporting damage of shipments, adjectives describing things which went wrong, describing a construction project
  • Where are you from? – finding out about people , names of countries and nationalities, some statistics, saying fractions

 Registration fees: … VND or USD

The above includes VAT, but excludes living, accommodation and travel for participant.

 Easy to register:

Registration from download here

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